Langkawi weather in March


March Highlights

The month of March continues to see high tourist season in Langkawi. This is because the dry spell continues without rains. However it can be quite hot during the day time and added to it the very high humidity, it can be quite uncomfortable if you take long sun exposures. 
So carry sun screen lotion when you indulge in outdoor activities like tours, excursions etc. There will be lot of operators wooing you to take up one of the several popular island tours including the Island Hopping and Kilim Geopark Tours. 
There is hardly any rainfall during this time although once in a while there might be short showers to give you welcome relief from the heat. But most often such showers, if at all, take place in the evenings or at nights. 
Between end Feb and early March, the well known cycling event Le Tour de Langkawi takes place. This is a 10 stage cycling race that passes through almost all terrain of the island over 10 days and covers over 1,450 miles. From 2015, the number of days has been reduced to 8 while mountain stages have been increased. 
During late March and early April, Langkawi International Water Festival is held. This is a fun water sports competition organized by the Tourism Department which includes activities like island to island Kayak race, fishing competition, underwater treasure hunt, building sand castles etc. 
March Weather Chart 
Temperature High:
34°C (93°F)
Temperature Low:
23°C (73°F)
Sea Temperature:
29°C (84°F)
Humidity High:
Humidity Low:
Sunshine (Avg.):
8 Hours
Sunrise Time (Avg.):
Sunset Time (Avg.):

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